

Surprisingly Phoenix (November 2023)

Yes And Productions, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Jessica Kim, Fake K-pop producer character
for immersive and interactive theater piece

To learn more about YesAndProductions


How to be (September 2023)

nueWORK by nueBOX,
Phoenix Center for the Arts, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Performance Video


Positively Ghostly (April 15, 2018)

Community-based Theatre project with the City of Apache Junction, Project Cities, and ASU Sustainable Cities Network, 

Flatiron Park, Apache Trail

Superstition Ghost Story Performer with Puppet



THE RACE (Nov 8, 2016)

With Michael Rohd and Sojourn Theatre

Galvin Theatre, ASU

Performer and International Contact Coordinator





(April 21- 24, 2016)

Directed by Anya Hernandez and Kara Ward-Tobin 

Binary Theatre

Actor(Woman 9) and sang an improvised song with Korean Traditional singing style